What are my rights as a patient?

The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights describes the rights of patients and other people using the Australian health system. These rights are essential to make sure that, wherever and whenever care is provided, it is of high quality and is safe.

The Charter is also available in multiple languages, easy English, Auslan video and Braille.

What can I expect from the Australian health system?


  • Healthcare services and treatment that meets my needs


  • Receive safe and high quality health care that meets national standards
  • Be cared for in an environment that is safe and makes me feel safe


  • Be treated as an individual, and with dignity and respect
  • Have my culture, identity, beliefs and choices recognised and respected


  • Ask questions and be involved in open and honest communication
  • Make decisions with my healthcare provider, to the extent that I choose and am able to
  • Include the people that I want in planning and decision-making


  • Clear information about my condition, the possible benefits and risks of different tests and treatments, so I can give my informed consent
  • Receive information about services, waiting times and costs
  • Be given assistance, when I need it, to help me to understand and use health information
  • Access my health information
  • Be told if something has gone wrong during my health care, how it happened, how it may affect me and what is being done to make care safe


  • Have my personal privacy respected
  • Have information about me and my health kept secure and confidential

Give feedback  

  • Provide feedback or make a complaint without it affecting the way that I am treated
  • Have my concerns addressed in a transparent and timely way
  • Share my experience and participate to improve the quality of care and health services

Barwon Health is a teaching hospital. With your consent, a student, junior doctor or nurse might observe, help with or perform your treatment under supervision. If you have any questions, please discuss them with your treating team.

How does Barwon Health protect my privacy?

Barwon Health is required by law to handle your personal and health information in accordance with The Health Records Act 2001, as well as other relevant legislation relating to confidentiality and privacy.

We routinely share your information with and make it available to any health professional involved in your ongoing care or treatment (this is known as the primary purpose). This may include health professionals outside of Barwon Health such as your GP.

Your information may also be used for secondary purposes that relate directly to the primary purpose of collection; for example, quality improvement and planning activities, billing, funding requirements, mandatory reporting or where the information is required by law.

For all other purposes, Barwon Health will seek your consent before using or disclosing your information.

If you have registered with My Health Record, Barwon Health will assume that you agree for information to be uploaded to it. We respect your right to refuse information to be uploaded to My Health Record (e.g. discharge summary) and if you wish to withdraw your consent for this, we will ask you to fill in a ‘Providing Health Information to eHealth Record (PCEHR)’ form.

For more information on the use and disclosure of your information, please talk to the Barwon Health Consumer Liaison Officer or Barwon Health Freedom of Information Officer.

Further information is available from the Health Complaints Commissioner or the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner.

Advocacy contacts for Barwon South West Area

Please click here to download a list of advocacy contacts for the Barwon South West region.

Feedback, compliments & complaints

To provide feedback, compliments or complaints about your healthcare experience at Barwon Health, please contact Consumer Liaison. Email [email protected] or ph. (03) 4215 1251 or register your experience here.

Page last updated: July 11, 2024